comfort zone

† 02-04-2011 † 5759 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: Love how you've created this. So very cool!
  2. petitlouis (Homepage) wrote: Un excellent usage du grand angulaire !!!
  3. payam mohammadi (Homepage) wrote: Excellent shot
  4. Piyush Garyali (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful shot, totally balanced and gorgeous !
  5. Alexandra (Homepage) wrote: Excellent effects, makes you feel like you have stepped through a portal to arrive on the dock, for a holiday in paradise!
  6. Rob (Homepage) wrote: Island of paradise? Beautiful!
  7. Karsten (Homepage) wrote: My favorite place in the sun. Nice! :)
  8. crash (Homepage) wrote: beautiful! i want to swim there!
  9. Krunal (Homepage) wrote: Excellent shot
  10. Guido (Homepage) wrote: Un bel posto tranquillo e caldo. Spero abbi passato una bella vacanza.
  11. yiannis krikis (Homepage) wrote: fantastic place - I like the wide effect very much
  12. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: alta spettacolare foto, impressionante, veramente bella complimenti
  13. mel (Homepage) wrote: great point of view. the path to paradise...
  14. mARTina (Homepage) wrote: fantastic. i like the wide angel effect and the landscape is beautiful.

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