taxi driver

† 18-12-2008 † 6111 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Cerstin (Homepage) wrote: Super cool effect.
  2. Andrés (Homepage) wrote: Excellent movement and colours. I love this image.
  3. Turnbill (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful shot - though he looks like he's missing his rear wheel.
  4. Olivier (Homepage) wrote: Une superbe atmosphère de Bande Dessinée ... Hommage à Hugo Pratt ?
  5. jezblog (Homepage) wrote: Hehehehe...... I love stuff like this...... my taxis tend to be yellow but I like a good mad taxi pic...... nice one Cheers Jez XXXXXX
  6. (Homepage) wrote: how cool...the way you've created the movement in the picture. Personally I would have tried to keep the taxi cab sharp. have you tried this?
  7. Marie (Homepage) wrote: excellent !!!
  8. Tom (Homepage) wrote: Whoa! Crazy effect. What's happened to the back of the cab? I agree - it looks like he's driving in circles. Cool shot.
  9. Terry H. (Homepage) wrote: Looks like He is driving around in circles! Cool shot!
  10. Rolf (Homepage) wrote: This is a cool effect, I like your work!
  11. Nick (Homepage) wrote: Nice motion. Zoom zoom!!
  12. Andy (Homepage) wrote: Very cool effect in this! I like it!!
  13. Olivier Jules (Homepage) wrote: favolosa! sotto tutti i punti di vista!
  14. Rian (Homepage) wrote: very nice concept.. well executed too.. this looks so retro.. :D nice work..
  15. BoB (Homepage) wrote: bello il taxi e bel processo
  16. (Homepage) wrote: Great panning effect. I guess that posterization was done later in pp. Nice work.
  17. Gromitch (Homepage) wrote: Great! Nice panning technique! I like blurred lights and post processing! Really great!
  18. Nataly Rader (Homepage) wrote: Wow! Awesome! It is true, it feels like I am looking at myself on skis... Too bad I am at the beach still wearing a t-shirt.
  19. Elaine- (Homepage) wrote: very artistic!! love the motion and the way it looks like a painting....
  20. aadesanya (Homepage) wrote: This is interesting... how did you do this? Was it panning and PP. nice work
  21. sherri (Homepage) wrote: Love the little car...a very artsy image.
  22. Craig (Homepage) wrote: This is so cool, great effect!
  23. grant (Homepage) wrote: i feel like i'm in the damn thing...very cool effect!
  24. Laurie (Homepage) wrote: Cool effect here. This is great!
  25. bluechameleon (Homepage) wrote: Simply fantastic! I lov the energy from the motion and this cool composition. Bravol!
  26. Simone (Homepage) wrote: Molto molto POP...mi piace! Un saluto :-)
  27. oldshutterhand (Homepage) wrote: Great painting.
  28. Phil (Homepage) wrote: Whoa, cool shot! I wouldn't necessarily want to ride in his taxi, though...
  29. (Homepage) wrote: Let me out! I'm getting dizzy. Nice effects, wonderfull colors. Congratulations
  30. laullon (Homepage) wrote: Cool... great post process
  31. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: Great! What a fun and colorful ride! :)

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