under the moonlight

† 23-04-2013 † 11880 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. John W (Homepage) wrote: great image, wonderful perspective
  2. mARTina (Homepage) wrote: Such a beautiful place invites you to relax and reflect.
  3. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: Wouldn't mind getting stranded there for a while.
  4. Frida (Homepage) wrote: Such a great place!
  5. Celanova (Homepage) wrote: Preciosa panorámica, con un juego de luces muy conseguido. Dan ganas de viajar a lugares remotos. Enhorabuena!!!
  6. Javier Salazar (Homepage) wrote: Simply AWESOME. I love it.
  7. tom (Homepage) wrote: That is a place I would like to be right now. Great capture.
  8. CrashRyan (Homepage) wrote: nice beach! a fantastic shot
  9. Duc (Homepage) wrote: Nice way to use the long exposure. Great place and good framing. Nice one.

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